NYT journalist describes his iPhone being hacked, and the precautions he now takes

  A New York Times journalist covering the Middle East has described the experience of his iPhone being hacked, and the security precautions he now takes as a result. Ben Hubbard says there were four attempts to hack his iPhone, and that two of them succeeded, with all the signs pointing to the use of […]

HowTo: Protect Your Organization’s Root Accounts

For many cloud apps, administrators are given a super admin account credential, also known as the root account, which allows wide-reaching administrative access to the account. These super admin credentials are necessary for some administrative actions and should be the organization’s most secure account credentials. However, if root accounts are left unprotected, attackers can abuse […]

MITRE ATT&CK v10 comes with new techniques, groups, software for enterprises, ICS frameworks

Not-for-profit organization MITRE announced ATT&CK v10 with updates in techniques, groups, and software for the enterprises, mobile devices, and ICS (industrial control system) frameworks. The biggest change is the addition of a new set of data source and data component objects in enterprise ATT&CK, which compliments the ATT&CK data source name changes released in ATT&CK […]

How to Protect Yourself from Phishing Attacks

This year’s cyber security awareness month provides a timely reminder of the increasingly dangerous threat landscape facing organizations and individuals. The accelerated shift to digital during COVID-19 has dramatically expanded the attack surface for cyber-criminals; therefore, the general public needs to learn, and learn fast, about the digital threats they face and how to mitigate them. […]

CISA, FBI Post Ransomware Alert Ahead of Holiday Weekend

2021 The FBI and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) have observed an increase in highly impactful ransomware attacks occurring on holidays and weekends—when offices are normally closed—in the United States as recently as the Fourth of July holiday in 2021. The FBI and CISA do not currently have any specific threat reporting indicating […]

The cybersecurity industry is burning — but VCs don’t care

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Jochen Schoenfeld To say cybersecurity is booming would be an understatement. We’re talking about security companies’ skyrocketing valuations ($524.1 million on average) and the massive amount of funding ($12.2 billion just this year so far) investors are pouring into the industry, of course. Because in terms of success, there’s a lot […]

US advances bipartisan bill that mandates disclosure of cybersecurity incidents by critical infrastructure firms

The Committee on Homeland Security advanced on Wednesday a bipartisan legislation bill that would require critical infrastructure firms to disclose cybersecurity incidents to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) within 72 hours of discovery. The latest virtual meeting came following months of stakeholder engagement and bipartisan negotiations to tweak the bill, with the intention […]

91% of Industrial Organizations Can Be Penetrated by Hackers

More than nine in 10 (91%) industrial organizations are vulnerable to cyber-attacks, according to a new report by Positive Technologies. The study found that external attackers can penetrate the corporate network in all these organizations, and once inside, can obtain user credentials and complete control over the infrastructure in 100% of cases. In over two-thirds (69%) of […]

LockBit ransomware operators leak 200GB of data belonging to Bangkok Airways

LockBit ransomware operators have breached Bangkok Airways, the airline confirmed it was the victim and discloses a data breach impacting its passengers. Bangkok Airways, a regional airline based in Bangkok, discloses a data breach as a result of a ransomware attack orchestrated by the LockBit ransomware operators. The ransomware gang had posted a message on […]

We underestimated IoT security. Let’s not make that mistake with robotics.

New commercial robots are changing what’s possible in the physical world. They are tackling increasingly complex tasks beyond early uses such as manufacturing assembly lines and material handling in warehouses. For example, ABB’s PixelPaint uses a pair of high-precision robotic arms to make car painting faster and more customizable. Adidas’s STRUNG is a textile-industry-first robot […]